Feedback for megancoelho
megancoelho's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for megancoelho
Comment after mimiandrufus sold #218949 to megancoelho
This bib has been very popular. Hope you think so too! Thank you.Comment after mimiandrufus sold #218950 to megancoelho
Thank you for buying from Mimi and Rufus. Much appreciatedComment after mimiandrufus sold #213885 to megancoelho
Hope the basket gets lots of use. Thank you.Comment after pickleskids sold #200821 to megancoelho
Thanks for your order, I hope you enjoyed the bib xComment after littlewhitebox sold #199999 to megancoelho
Great buyer! Thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box. I hope you like your ceramic I Love you to the Moon HeartComment after chanelled sold #199620 to megancoelho
Very prompt payment. Thank you. Enjoy your goodies :-)Comment after triocandles sold #161905 to megancoelho
Thanks so much for buying from Trio. You are welcome back anytime.Comment after mamakaz sold #116162 to megancoelho
Brilliant buyer, fast payment & address details.Thank you for your support & I hope you love your purse organiser, it's in the post on its way, peace & love Mamakaz