Feedback for maxandlily45
maxandlily45's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for maxandlily45
Comment after louloubug sold #351489 to maxandlily45
Great sale thanksComment after gouldmarine sold #351488 to maxandlily45
Great prompt payment hope you are enjoying your gear bag.Comment after startingfrm0 sold #351482 to maxandlily45
Great customer, excellent communications and quick payment. Welcome back anytime!Comment after fat-spatula sold #351485 to maxandlily45
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business. For new products and information check my listings and follow me on facebook. after alexoandco sold #351490 to maxandlily45
Thank you for the purchase.Kind Regards
Alex O