Feedback for marcellaron
marcellaron's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for marcellaron
Comment after ihook sold #370282 to marcellaron
Thank you for your order. Very happy to make some slippers for your son. I haven't made for toddlers before so hope he likes them.Super fast payment. Thank you
Comment after ihook sold #370278 to marcellaron
Thank you for your order. Very happy to make some slippers for your daughter. Hope she likes them.Super fast payment. Thank you
Comment after countrycousins sold #366179 to marcellaron
Thank you Marcella for purchasing a leotard for your daughterComment after missusmac sold #313211 to marcellaron
thank you Marcella.Comment after hikkepik sold #161907 to marcellaron
Very lovely costumer! Many thanks for the purchases!And sorry for a rather late feedback!