maddybell's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
THANK YOU so much for supporting NZ up-bicycled by purchasing one of my design pieces and your patience during this exciting and busy time. Hope you get lots of joy from your hand-made purchase. Aroha nui from re:purpose Ronja
Thank you for your custom, I hope you love your miniature fairy house.
Thank you for your purchase!
Thank you for your purchase!
Thank you for your purchase!
Thank you for your purchase!
Thanks for your purchase. Hope you enjoy the labels.
Great customer, thanks! Your brooch is in the post today, I hope you enjoy it.
Super prompt payment - many thanks! Highly recommend as a buyer!
fantastic trade, thanks for the positive feedback :)
Prompt payment, great communication. Thanks for your purchase .