Feedback for luciemartin1
luciemartin1's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for luciemartin1
Comment after petalcraft sold #558532 to luciemartin1
Thank you for purchasing from my felt shop and the prompt payment.Enjoy your special rose brooch.
Comment after fullywoolly sold #351155 to luciemartin1
Thanks for your order, hope it keeps you cosy!Comment after buttonmemory sold #319732 to luciemartin1
Thanks for buying handmadeComment after ewe sold #457862 to luciemartin1
Thank you so much for your purchase! A pleasure to deal with. All the best and thanks again for the support.Comment after inmybackyard sold #457868 to luciemartin1
Thanks so much :) I hope you love your goodies!Comment after inmybackyard sold #457869 to luciemartin1
Thank you!Comment after kenzy sold #400829 to luciemartin1
A lovely customer and easy transaction.Thank you for your support
Kind regards,
Comment after sweetarts sold #393689 to luciemartin1
Thanks for prompt payment.Comment after knitwitnz sold #403349 to luciemartin1
Great customer! Thank you so much for buying wrist warmers from Knitwitnz :)Comment after klei sold #369531 to luciemartin1
A delight to deal with, many thanks for your purchase.Comment after lepapillonnz sold #365385 to luciemartin1
Very easy paid on time no issues. I hope you enjoy your activity book. It's been made with you in mind.Thank you Lisa