Feedback for lindsmit9007
lindsmit9007's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for lindsmit9007
Comment after dopeydognz sold #443568 to lindsmit9007
Thank you for shopping with us, we appreciate your business! Have a wonderful Christmas!Comment after irinavelman sold #472197 to lindsmit9007
Thank you very much, Linda, for supporting NZ art!Comment after bay-maid sold #458794 to lindsmit9007
Many thanks for purchasing some of my products posted off this morningComment after blackrabbit sold #430784 to lindsmit9007
Thanks for a nice easy transaction. Your package posted Wednesday 17.03.2021. Your NZ post tracking reference is LT185185901NZ.Comment after davec sold #443573 to lindsmit9007
Thank you for clarifying the four items you want. And thank you for the fast payment. A trouble-free transaction.Comment after karakawa sold #431641 to lindsmit9007
Thank you so much for supporting local.Kara
Comment after karakawa sold #431640 to lindsmit9007
Thank you so much for your purchase.Kara