Feedback for lindabettle
lindabettle's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for lindabettle
Comment after dgdesigns sold #447845 to lindabettle
thanks so much for choosing to buy from dgdesigns : )Comment after bigbunny sold #391821 to lindabettle
Thanks for your purchase and happy gardening from Big Bunny! after oddoneout sold #335270 to lindabettle
Thanks so much for buying from Odd One Out!Comment after woodgrainnz sold #331089 to lindabettle
Great customer prompt paymentthank you
David j Gillard
Wood Grain NZ
Comment after woodgrainnz sold #331090 to lindabettle
great customer prompt paymentThanks DJ Gillard
Wood Grain NZ
Comment after woodgrainnz sold #335268 to lindabettle
Great customer prompt payment thank you very much hope you enjoyCheers David J Gillard
Wood Grain NZ