Feedback for levoyageur
levoyageur's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for levoyageur
Comment after indie_alexander bought #298367 from levoyageur
Fabulous product, thank you! I bought a Souper Dad spoon, my Dad loved it...and he's a hard man to please!! It was beautifully wrapped with a handmade tag and I got a lovely thank you note. A wonderful experience, highly recommend :)Comment after silhouettes bought #298324 from levoyageur
Thank you!!! Spoon was great, my dad loved it. He will definitely be using it every time he has soup. Beautifully packaged. xComment after littleasia bought #298362 from levoyageur
Received it today.. so cute! Very happy :)Comment after burkey bought #298524 from levoyageur
Arrived in mail today, thanks so much ☺ can't wait to see what Dad thinks on Sunday.Regards. Lorryn