Feedback for laurierose
laurierose's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for laurierose
Comment after cookiebear bought #584148 from laurierose
Thank you so much, I love this product!Comment after beehrek bought #448241 from laurierose
Cute little bag. Love the velvet. Not quite a sling bag for my frame but lovely all the same. Thank you.Comment after kimlawgun bought #564851 from laurierose
Happy with purchase, thank youComment after kimlawgun bought #564361 from laurierose
Delighted with the clutch, thank youComment after cookiebear bought #504058 from laurierose
Great product, smells great! Thank youComment after snoddy1 bought #503809 from laurierose
Laundry fragrance arrived safely today and smells amazing. Thanks for your careful wrapping, Debbie and your friendly message. It has been great dealing with you and I'll definitely be back for more of your " magical" products. Thank you so much.Comment after botanicstone bought #438178 from laurierose
Gorgeous bag and beautifully made. Thank you so much.Comment after tamsinp bought #393688 from laurierose
You're welcome - the fish board is beautiful and what a great initiative by Ben!Comment after beckgordon bought #426606 from laurierose
Thank you for the gorgeous bag, it is just stunning!Perfectly made and it came very promptly.