Feedback for kim
kim's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kim
Comment after briarwills sold #338935 to kim
Thanks for ordering a custom calendar! Happy Organising! :)Comment after ifeelnatty sold #330383 to kim
Thanks for buying NZ made/design and hope you love your cards.Cheers
Cat and Fiona
Comment after hazyprints sold #285609 to kim
Thanks so much for your order. The courier is booked for tomorrow :-)Comment after mixing_ink sold #209390 to kim
Thanks for your purchase :)Comment after mixing_ink sold #192722 to kim
Thanks for purchasing my labels, hope you enjoy them.Comment after ghdesign sold #187678 to kim
Thank you for purchasing the bangle and supporting hand-made.I highly recommend this trader.
Kind regards,