Feedback for kerryross197
kerryross197's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kerryross197
Comment after ewe sold #506376 to kerryross197
Thank you so much for your purchase! A pleasure to deal with. All the best and thanks again for the support.Your tracking number is: NZ Courier Post #0079-4210-3204-6109-3575
Comment after feltsoapgood sold #501683 to kerryross197
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying craft goods from FeltSoapGood. Your item has been shipped. Check my Etsy shop for many needle felting tutorials Please share your Comments and Photos and follow our @FeltSoapGood accounts on FaceBook and Instagram.Comment after craftmeup sold #312912 to kerryross197
We hope you like origami swan necklace!Enjoy :)
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