Feedback for jwil346
jwil346's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jwil346
Comment after healersgift sold #403530 to jwil346
Great customer. Fast with payment and reliable. Highly recommend to others.Comment after kasiecreates sold #555882 to jwil346
Wonderful customer. Thank you for supporting local businessComment after praktis sold #555881 to jwil346
Super quick sale and payment - totally recommend. Many thanks for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop Hope the earrings go down a treat.All the best
Comment after makingit sold #550386 to jwil346
Thanks for your order. Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking with the cookie cutters and have fun with the coffee stencil. Thanks. :)Comment after mousewhisker sold #546424 to jwil346
Thankyou so much for your purchase!Comment after hearthandoak sold #491241 to jwil346
Thank you so much for your order.Comment after leannesilver sold #484302 to jwil346
Thank you so much for supporting local.Meri Kirihimete and all the best for 2022
Comment after holliengrace sold #482438 to jwil346
Thank you Janine for your order of mini rustic bunting. Hope it brings a little rustic Christmas joy this year.Merry Christmas,
Jo : )
Comment after remixplastic sold #482436 to jwil346
Thanks for supporting sustainable products! Enjoy!Anthea