Feedback for juliwalk3907
juliwalk3907's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for juliwalk3907
Comment after wiredlove sold #494446 to juliwalk3907
Thank you for supporting handmade, I hope the earrings are enjoyed xComment after praktis sold #505025 to juliwalk3907
Thank you for purchasing from me at Felt Shop and supporting my locally handmade NZ Jewellery.I hope the Sterling Silver earrings you purchased from me are loved and enjoyed, just as much as I loved and enjoyed making them.
Please feel free to revisit my Felt shop anytime as I am often adding new designs
Kindest regards
Comment after praktis sold #401119 to juliwalk3907
Lovely customer, great communication - enjoy your new earrings.Comment after praktis sold #393858 to juliwalk3907
Super quick sale and payment. Many thanks for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop Enjoy wearing your lovely handmade Sterling Silver earrings. Follow me on insta @herbertandwilksjewellery for inspiration & new products. I would love it if you could post feed-back ;o) Best Wishes from SallyComment after wilnoa sold #388639 to juliwalk3907
Thanks for your purchase Julia. You were the perfect customer! I hope you enjoy wearing the dress for many years to come.Comment after zingcollection sold #449578 to juliwalk3907
Hi Julia,Thanks for visiting my shop, hope you love the bag. Stay Safe