Feedback for joviolet
joviolet's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for joviolet
Comment after thebirdsnest sold #306156 to joviolet
Great customer. Thanks for your purchase. I hope you love your two pixiesComment after thebirdsnest sold #304942 to joviolet
Thanks Jo. Your pixies are on the wayComment after thebirdsnest sold #174758 to joviolet
Thanks for your purchase. Nice to be sending our pixies off shore!Comment after keepers sold #172465 to joviolet
Thanks Jo, parcel on it's way this afternoon. 3-10 days I was told.Enjoy
Kerrie X
Comment after littlecute1 sold #173516 to joviolet
Thank you for purchasing from Little Cute One™.I hope you enjoy making yummy felt Ice Creams!