Feedback for josieboyd
josieboyd's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for josieboyd
Comment after sewmama sold #471709 to josieboyd
Excellent customer, speedy payment highly recommend. Thanks for supporting a local NZ business. Hope to see you here again:)Comment after sewmama sold #506984 to josieboyd
Great customer! Thank you for ordering from Sew Mama! Have a lovely holidays!Comment after sewmama sold #520726 to josieboyd
Great customer with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Sew Mama!Comment after sewmama sold #520727 to josieboyd
Awesome buyer! A pleasure to deal with you, pleased you love these so much. Thanks!Comment after sewmama sold #499470 to josieboyd
Great Felt Customer, enjoy your new Origami Butterfly hair clips. Thank you SEW much!Comment after snuggletails sold #484044 to josieboyd
Thank you for supporting Snuggle Tails a small new Zealand Craft Business.Merry Christmas