josh0911's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you so much for your order and for supporting Curlicue NZ! I hope that when your bag charm arrives, you are super happy with it! Warm regards, Suzie Horne
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying wool craft goods from FeltSoapGood. Your item has been shipped. Please share your Tips, Tricks and Photos with us on Instagram with #feltproject and follow our @FeltSoapGood accounts on FaceBook and Instagram.
Thanks for another t-shirt purchase and prompt payment. Cheers, Sonja
Thanks for your t-shirt purchase and prompt payment! Kind regards, Sonja
Always a pleasure. Thank you for your purchase.
Thanks so much for your purchase. I hope you love your new doll. x
Fabulous trade thank you very much
Fabulous trade thank you very much
Fabulous trade thank you very much
Thanks so much for your order! I hope you love the kits!
Thank you so much for your purchase of a Christmas Elf. I hope you love her. Brenda :-)
Thanks for your purchase and patience! This is on the way to you!
Great buyer, prompt payment. Thanks so much :-)
Thanks for supporting my small business Little Lions
Thank you very much for buying Igs, I hope he behaved himself on the long haul flight.
Thanks so much for your purchase. I hope you love your new doll. Thanks Brenda