Feedback for jorobe924
jorobe924's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jorobe924
Comment after mousewhisker sold #521004 to jorobe924
Excellent buyer, lovely person to deal with, highly recommend to all. Thankyou so much!Comment after hindsnatural* sold #521257 to jorobe924
Thank you for your order!Hope you enjoy :)
Comment after hindsnatural* sold #519251 to jorobe924
Thank you for your order!Hope you enjoy :)
Comment after lowtech sold #520794 to jorobe924
Great to have a customer who comes back for more! Especially one who is so prompt to pay and provides useful feedback.Thank you.
Comment after mousewhisker sold #518741 to jorobe924
Thankyou so much for your purchase!Comment after lowtech sold #517444 to jorobe924
Prompt payment thank you. Thanks for your patience waiting for shipment when your order was placed while I was out of town. Thank you for buying from me; I hope we can trade again sometime.Comment after hindsnatural* sold #483462 to jorobe924
Thankyou for your order!Enjoy :)