Feedback for jocelyn
jocelyn's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jocelyn
Comment after naya sold #576283 to jocelyn
Many thanks for your order! Hope you’ll enjoy the decorations N.Comment after steelartnz sold #554437 to jocelyn
Thank you for supporting #buynzmade.I have popped your tracking details below. Thank you.
Comment after motherpotter sold #440300 to jocelyn
Great customer! Thanks for your purchase.Ruby
Comment after motherpotter sold #455830 to jocelyn
Great customer. Hope all arrived ok.Thanks for your purchase.
Ru y
Comment after rurujewels sold #432582 to jocelyn
Thank you for the purchase and the super quick payment. Lovely communication. Hope you enjoy the earringsComment after thecaretaker sold #345199 to jocelyn
Apologies for very late feedback - have just worked out how to do it! Thank you for supporting NZ artists. Hope you are enjoying your purchase.Comment after houseshoes sold #161931 to jocelyn
Thank you for your purchase!Comment after houseshoes sold #161930 to jocelyn
Thank you for your purchase!Comment after houseshoes sold #161934 to jocelyn
Thank you for your purchase!Comment after alexoandco sold #156285 to jocelyn
Thank you for the purchase. I posted the Hotwater Bottle Cover this morning.Kind Regards
Alex O