Feedback for jenna2000
jenna2000's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jenna2000
Comment after ishqcreative sold #484640 to jenna2000
You were a great customer. Thanks again for your support I really appreciate it :)Comment after westmoordesign sold #484616 to jenna2000
Lovely to deal with and quick paymentComment after stitchgirl sold #477433 to jenna2000
Thanks for your purchase, Speedy Payment. Enjoy.. I've ordered pickup. 5 Stars!Comment after kokomakes sold #392493 to jenna2000
Item on its way now, thank you so much for the trade!Comment after loveideas sold #234047 to jenna2000
Thanks so much for your order! Enjoy.Cheers, Josie
Comment after loveideas sold #234046 to jenna2000
Thanks so much for your order! Enjoy.Cheers, Josie