Feedback for jenerallyawe
jenerallyawe's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jenerallyawe
Comment after littlepeanut sold #441214 to jenerallyawe
Great customer with prompt payment - thanks for supporting NZ made.Comment after mosie sold #467858 to jenerallyawe
Thanks for supporting local, much appreciated. I hope you love it.Comment after littlecute1 sold #461521 to jenerallyawe
Thank you for your purchase face masks from Little Cute One. (^_^) Keep safe!Comment after yalowax sold #413581 to jenerallyawe
Pleasure to deal withComment after yalowax sold #413558 to jenerallyawe
A pleasure to deal withComment after neeveynoonar sold #390279 to jenerallyawe
Thanks so much for your order, fast payment and patience through the lockdown period.I hope your crochet water balloons bring many many hours of enjoyment. :)