Feedback for jeezlouise
jeezlouise's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jeezlouise
Comment after trat bought #49029 from jeezlouise
Quick delivery and as described. Thank youComment after theginger bought #54688 from jeezlouise
Thank you so much, the cushion is fabulous and looks terrific in the place that I had in mind, just love it :) Extremely speedy postage = almost instant gratification!Comment after redmonkey bought #51332 from jeezlouise
Such an easy sale. The designs on the cushions are so unique I love them.Comment after dfgirl bought #51331 from jeezlouise
BRILLIANT.I am falling in love with "Mexican Style Cushion, Rockabilly Tattoo Cushion and Spanish Senoritas Pin Up Cushion Covers". These cushion covers are so beautiful, bold colours and fantastic patterns. I am really happy that I bought them.
Thank you so much.
Thumps up x x