Feedback for janejaney
janejaney's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for janejaney
Comment after raglanflorals sold #552980 to janejaney
Thank you for a great, smooth trade!Comment after ahoshades sold #561153 to janejaney
Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy not your new Aho lampshade.Comment after ahoshades sold #542218 to janejaney
Thank you for choosing an Aho Shade for your home. I hope you enjoy it!Comment after ahoshades sold #519881 to janejaney
Very easy transaction and great communication. Thank you!Comment after laughingtui sold #526370 to janejaney
I really hope you enjoy the candles, thanks for your order!Comment after kiwicritters sold #519999 to janejaney
Hi Jane,Thank you so much for your purchase. I hope that the little folk in your life love this gift.
The parcel is on it's way. It will be picked up from here around 11am. You will be able to follow its progress to your place using this tracking link:
Thanks again for buying my books. It really is appreciated.
Best wishes,