jadele's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you very much for your purchase. I hope you enjoy the case. Soleil
Tui Feeder shipped today, thanks for supporting small businesses.
Thanks for ordering from Kohab, as a small business every order is greatly appreciated. Happy Kohabitation!
Thanks for the quick trade, hope you enjoy it. Thanks.
Thank you very much for shoping wit me.
Thanks for your order. Its on its way!
Apologies for very late feedback - have just worked out how to do it! Thank you for supporting NZ artists. Hope you are enjoying your purchase.
Thanks for supporting our handmade business.
Thanks for supporting our handmade business.
Thank you for your purchase!
Great trade, Prompt payment, highly recommend, Thank you!
Thankyou for purchasing your Cat Character NZWool Cushion from The Felted Room.
Thank you for purchasing the baby blanket. Enjoy!
Thank you for the purchase - I hope you like the bag :)
Great Trade,Fully Recommend.