Feedback for hiway30
hiway30's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for hiway30
Comment after mumma sold #213879 to hiway30
Thank you once again for you purchase. Hope you guys Love our MumMa Slouch Beanies as much as we do!!!! Thanks once again :)Comment after mumma sold #213880 to hiway30
Thank you SO much for your purchase. We hope you Love our MumMa loafers as much as we do :)Comment after mumma sold #211618 to hiway30
thank you for your purchase. Hope you love your MumMa purchase as much as we do :)Comment after mumma sold #210286 to hiway30
Thank you for your purchase, we hope you love our MumMa garments as much as we do!We included a FREE Slouch Beanie, hope your little one enjoys it :)
Great to deal with, no concerns at all!