Feedback for helmin8er
helmin8er's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for helmin8er
Comment after blanketstitch sold #548902 to helmin8er
Thank you very much for your purchase. I hope you love them!Comment after fullywoolly sold #564933 to helmin8er
Thanks for your order!Comment after hippiegirl sold #513206 to helmin8er
Thank u so muchComment after hblessing sold #493013 to helmin8er
Thank you so much for your great support. I am encouraged very much by your kind words. Please contact me at any time if you have any question about the product.Comment after hblessing sold #493016 to helmin8er
Thank you so much for choosing my product. I hope you would enjoy it. It my pleasure working for you.Comment after snuggletails sold #487879 to helmin8er
Thank you for supporting Snuggle Tails a small new Zealand Craft Business.Merry Christmas
Comment after plantandshare sold #487872 to helmin8er
Thanks for supporting NZ made. Excellent to work withComment after dottielottie sold #487875 to helmin8er
Thanks for your purchase Helen, your shark is on it's way. Here is the tracking info after ironweed sold #484362 to helmin8er
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made!Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: LA124357293NZ