Feedback for hedgiehog
hedgiehog's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for hedgiehog
Comment after engrapho sold #102812 to hedgiehog
Thank you for your purchase. I do appreciate your business ;-)Comment after engrapho sold #102466 to hedgiehog
Thank you for your purchase. I do appreciate your business ;-)Comment after mushymoo sold #110846 to hedgiehog
Thanks so much for your purchase and feedback. I'm currently tweaking the shark pattern to make him a bit fuller :)Comment after tikihenshaw bought #96020 from hedgiehog
Thank you for the utterly divine custom bird mobile - we adore it.It was such a pleasure to work with you to customise a mobile to match the nursery decor. The mobile was completed quickly, and communication was excellent. The only negative was that a couple of the birds came unstuck during transit (unavoidable risk given fragile nature of the piece?) and I had to re-affix these myself. No problem though, as Hedgiehog was quick to provide suggestions. Thank you - this is something we will treasure for years to come.