Feedback for hansjono
hansjono's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for hansjono
Comment after onetrickpony sold #316388 to hansjono
Super customer, thanks again! Your earrings are on the way to you :)Comment after mimiandrufus sold #284133 to hansjono
Love this fabric too. Hope the blanket gets lots of use. Thanks.Comment after mimiandrufus sold #286878 to hansjono
Thank you for your order, appreciate your support.Comment after onetrickpony sold #278744 to hansjono
Thanks again and merry Christmas.Comment after onetrickpony sold #276962 to hansjono
Thanks for your order :) I have couriered your jewellery, it should be with you tomorrow.Comment after wendilindsay sold #241123 to hansjono
Great person to deal with. Immediate payment, super quick and easy. Thanks very much. Enjoy your earrings! WendiComment after mimiandrufus sold #224300 to hansjono
Thank you for purchasing from Mimiandrufus. Hope you like the giraffe rattle.Comment after onetrickpony sold #205584 to hansjono
Great customer, thanks!Comment after therubyloushop sold #150203 to hansjono
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop. Hope you like the pants. Delphine.Comment after crazycrayons sold #124839 to hansjono
Thanks for buying from Crazy Crayons.Comment after ggz sold #113014 to hansjono
Great buyer. Would definitely do business with again and would recommend to all. Thanks!Comment after bibs4bubs sold #104386 to hansjono
Hi, was unable to sew over the weekend, so your parcel will be in the post within the next day or so, i'm hoping tomorrow. Thanks for choosing bibs4bub, we hope you enjoy our products. Find and like us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all our latest fabrics/designs.Kindest Regards