Feedback for gwynnie
gwynnie's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for gwynnie
Comment after dlcookiegirl sold #480991 to gwynnie
Gwyneth was very patient and very polite to deal with. I had a delay from NZ Post so the parcel took longer to get to her. She also paid very quickly, and sent me a nice wish for a Happy Christmas at the end of her message to me when she told me the parcel had arrived.Comment after springflower sold #472504 to gwynnie
Great customer! Thank u!Comment after bronzbeads sold #422030 to gwynnie
Thanks, Gwynnie. Have a steampunk time!Cheers, Bronwyn
Comment after crushesgoods sold #480999 to gwynnie
Hi there -Thanks so much for your order. Your tracking number is :
NZ Couriers :
Comment after heartsforyou sold #277611 to gwynnie
Super fantastic buyer, very reliable and prompt paymentComment after alittlelady* sold #96909 to gwynnie
Thanks very much for purchasing from alittlelady. Your ring has been posted. Have a Happy Christmas and New Year.Kind regards
Comment after valettaroad sold #175711 to gwynnie
Many thanks for your purchase, enjoy :)Comment after louloupopps sold #174429 to gwynnie
Thank you for your purchase and fast payment.I hope you enjoy your necklace.