grucat's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Happy you've chosen this bracelet; I hope you enjoy wearing it.
Thanks so much for your wonderful support x Gill
Great buyer! Thanks for supporting NZ made. Enjoy your new earrings!
Great customer excellent communication, thank you for shopping with us.
Thanks for your speedy payment. These were made the post tomorrow morn. Enjoy!
Thank you for your return business :)
Thank you for your return business :)
Lovely buyer with fast payment! Thank you for shopping with Koro Accessories! Hope you like our jewellery and looking forward to seeing you soon ^^
Lovely buyer with fast payment! Thank you for shopping with Koro Accessories! Hope you like our jewellery and looking forward to seeing you soon ^^