gretchengrea's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great customer and prompt payment, thank you. And thank you for supporting a small handmade business, I appreciate it! I hope the dino costume provides endless imaginative play.
Thanks for your purchase. Enjoy!
Great Buyer - many thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box. We hope you like your ceramic dishes
Great sale with fast payment - thanks! Hope you enjoy your jewellery :)
Great sale with fast payment - thanks! Hope you enjoy your jewellery :)
Lovely customer - enjoy your items x
Lovely customer - enjoy your items x
Lovely customer - enjoy your items x
Lovely customer - enjoy your items x
Lovely customer - enjoy your items x
A wonderful buyer. Thank you for your purchase, enjoy!