grannysuzan's star rating is 4.6 / 5 stars (91.3%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Sale not completed and no response to communication
Lovely return customer. Fast payment. Tea wallets are on the way. Thanks again!
Thank you for your support. Tea wallet is on the way now.
Wonderful, thanks so much!
Excellent AAAA++++ ~ thank you for your purchase :)
Excellent AAAA++++ ~ thank you for your purchase :)
Lovely to have you as a customer.Would love to have you back anytime !
Many thanks Suzanne for the generous sale and for shopping on Felt.
Thank you for stopping by Bibliographica! Recommended customer, a breeze to deal with. :)
Thank you for stopping by Bibliographica! Recommended customer, a breeze to deal with. :)
Superb, thanks for buying handmade!
Thank you for your lovely feedback! Awesome customer, prompt payment and pleasure to deal with. Thank you and happy crafting! Love, Fix