Feedback for graceturner
graceturner's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for graceturner
Comment after ebdolls sold #552637 to graceturner
Parcel all sent (I promise I put the correct address for this one ) Enjoy ❤️Comment after ebdolls sold #551866 to graceturner
Lovely customer ❤️Comment after sewmama sold #541884 to graceturner
Awesome buyer! A pleasure to deal with you again, pleased you love these so much. Thanks!Comment after bubbleon sold #541846 to graceturner
Parcel has shipped. Have a blast with the new garland wand. Fab trader A +++Comment after bubbleon sold #541883 to graceturner
Hi Grace. Super dooper thanks for buying from Bubble On again. Here to feed the addictionComment after lalamianz sold #518331 to graceturner
Thank you so much for your order and your patience. I hope you like the hand-painted stones!Comment after hanamade sold #538580 to graceturner
Thank you Grace!Comment after nzkawaiikiwi* sold #538579 to graceturner
Quick and easy purchase, thank you A+Comment after recycledwood sold #538581 to graceturner
Thank you for buying from me please tell your friends about my productsThanks Graeme
NZ post LT918707726NZ
Comment after bubbleon sold #527484 to graceturner
Thanks again for supporting Bubble On. I really appreciate it. Happy bubbling : )Comment after bubbleon sold #527482 to graceturner
Thanks again for supporting Bubble On. I really appreciate it. Happy bubbling : )Comment after bubbleon sold #515319 to graceturner
Kia ora Grace. Thanks for supporting Bubble On once more. I really appreciate it. Happy bubblingComment after lolaandalice sold #425935 to graceturner
Thank you so much for all of your purchases from Lola & Alice They are so appreciated.Comment after ghdesign sold #485737 to graceturner
Thanks for supporting handmade! Enjoy the magnetic hangers.Gwyneth
Comment after ghdesign sold #475606 to graceturner
Thanks for supporting handmade. Enjoy the wooden items!Gwyneth