Feedback for gilllock4565
gilllock4565's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for gilllock4565
Comment after onetrickpony sold #486784 to gilllock4565
Great customer, thanks :)Comment after soleil sold #478673 to gilllock4565
Lovely customer with great communication! Thank you so much for supporting soleil. I’m pleased that you like the purses. SoleilComment after stillmilly sold #535305 to gilllock4565
Thank you so much for your purchase from Still Milly! A wonderful customer- I hope you enjoy your purchase.Comment after craftsbucket sold #487916 to gilllock4565
Thank you so much dear Gill for your purchase . We are glad that you love our products. You have a good tasteand thanks a lot for being an amazing customer.
Have a happy wearing !!!