Feedback for georgie1988
georgie1988's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for georgie1988
Comment after bigbunny sold #308405 to georgie1988
Thanks for your purchase and prompt payment! Happy gardening from Big Bunny. after one2three sold #227626 to georgie1988
Thank you for your repeat visit and purchaseComment after ghdesign sold #236032 to georgie1988
Thank you for purchasing the necklace and supporting handmade. Enjoy!Comment after one2three sold #217610 to georgie1988
Thankyou for your purchase and prompt payment.Comment after tasha sold #164953 to georgie1988
Thank you for supporting my shop, welcome back anytime :)Comment after onetrickpony sold #144661 to georgie1988
Great customer, thanks!Comment after stitchstudio sold #118547 to georgie1988
Thank you for your business. Do you like your mittens? Please spread the word abut my shop.Regards, Fiona