Feedback for flipperrr
flipperrr's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for flipperrr
Comment after pepindesign sold #223791 to flipperrr
Perfect customer, super fast payment! Thanks so much for shopping with us :)Comment after pepindesign sold #223792 to flipperrr
Perfect customer, super fast payment! Thanks so much for shopping with us :)Comment after pepindesign sold #192593 to flipperrr
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your print :)(Posted 8/01/01)
Comment after pepindesign sold #192595 to flipperrr
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your print :)(Posted 8/01/01)
Comment after pepindesign sold #192594 to flipperrr
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your print :)(Posted 8/01/01)