Feedback for fizzwilliams
fizzwilliams's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for fizzwilliams
Comment after gala sold #402351 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after gala sold #402355 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after gala sold #402350 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after gala sold #402352 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after gala sold #402354 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after gala sold #402353 to fizzwilliams
Thank you for your support! Your order is with the courier this morning xxComment after thebeekeeper sold #394883 to fizzwilliams
Thank you so much for your order, we hope you enjoy our products.Have a great weekend
The BeeKeepers Honey
Comment after thebeekeeper sold #394884 to fizzwilliams
Thank you so much for your order, we hope you enjoy our products.Have a great weekend
The BeeKeepers Honey
Comment after lepapillonnz sold #378670 to fizzwilliams
Excellent Customer, Payment was prompt without any issues. I hope you enjoy your new products.Thank you for the business
Comment after mimiandrufus sold #374538 to fizzwilliams
Thank you very much for your order and for supporting handmade. Hope you like the items you purchased.Comment after mimiandrufus sold #370269 to fizzwilliams
Thank you so much for supporting handmade in NZ.Comment after bluefizz sold #285285 to fizzwilliams
Thanks for your purchase Felicity, you were a please to deal with. I hope that your necklace has arrived safely and that you have a happy festive season.Kind regards,