Feedback for fiwilson
fiwilson's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for fiwilson
Comment after engrapho sold #102959 to fiwilson
Thank you for your purchase. I do appreciate your purchase :-)Comment after lilymae sold #102731 to fiwilson
Fantastic customer, prompt payment! Thank you for supporting my Lilymae shop. Enjoy your purchases!Comment after lilymae sold #102877 to fiwilson
Prompt payment, great communication. Tunics in the post yesterday. Enjoy and would love to do business with you again soon!Comment after kathrynclare sold #90886 to fiwilson
Thanks for all your purchases - much appreciated :-)Comment after kathrynclare sold #90897 to fiwilson
Thanks for all your purchases - much appreciated :-)Comment after kathrynclare sold #91064 to fiwilson
Thanks for all your purchases - much appreciated :-)Comment after livvylou sold #71894 to fiwilson
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment!I will pop the item in the post today for you.