fionturn6649's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Fast payment and excellent communication. Thanks very much. :) A+
Thank you very much for your purchase and prompt payment. I hope you like the mask. Soleil
THANK YOU so much for supporting NZ up-bicycled by purchasing one of my design pieces and your patience during this exciting and busy time. Hope you get lots of joy from your hand-made purchase. Aroha nui from re:purpose Ronja
Thanks for purchasing another pair of up-bicycled earrings from re:purpose. I included a free gift tag to make gift giving easy. Hope they are well received. Ngā mini nui, Ronja
Thank you for purchasing NZ up-bicycled from re:purpose. I hope you get lots of joy from your "new" earrings. Ngā mini nui, re:purpose Ronja