fiona_lenore's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thanks for your order. Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking with the cookie cutter. Thanks. :)
Thank you for purchasing from Still Milly! The prompt payment is much appreciated.
Thank you so much, hope she loves her birthday pressie!
Thank you so much, hope she loves her birthday pressie!
Thank you for your purchase :)
Thank you for your purchase :)
Wonderful customer, prompt payment. Thank you for your support! :)
Wonderful customer, prompt payment. Thank you for your support! :)
Thanks for supporting my business I hope you enjoy the soaps.
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment - your spider is on his way today. i'm sure you will love him!
Thanks so much for your order! Enjoy! Cheers, Josie
Sent yesterday :-) Thank you for your purchase!