Feedback for fiberartemis
fiberartemis's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for fiberartemis
Comment after minky bought #178155 from fiberartemis
Thanks again - wonderful colours!Comment after minky bought #178156 from fiberartemis
Thanks again - wonderful colours!Comment after minky bought #178158 from fiberartemis
Thanks again - wonderful colours!Comment after minky bought #178157 from fiberartemis
Thanks again - wonderful colours!Comment after greenbuttons bought #173736 from fiberartemis
beautiful, thanks!Comment after minky bought #155897 from fiberartemis
Lovely product, I recommend this highlyComment after doespins bought #161148 from fiberartemis
Thanks Mandy, gorgeous Colours and fibre.Comment after greenbuttons bought #159105 from fiberartemis
Beautiful fibre that I've spun up already! Thank you so much!Comment after minky bought #155895 from fiberartemis
I'm really looking forward to trying this beautiful bamboo merino mix. Thanks so much - very quick and easy trading :-)Comment after minky bought #155896 from fiberartemis
Thanks so much for the lovely fibre. It arrived this morning and is just great!Best regards,