Feedback for emilyjayne
emilyjayne's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for emilyjayne
Comment after whimsygrace sold #164074 to emilyjayne
I hope you love your feather necklace. Thank you for the very quick payment.Comment after bibs4bubs sold #121485 to emilyjayne
Fantastic buyer, speedy payment. Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs, we hope you enjoy our products. Find and 'LIKE' us on facebook to keep up-to-date with all our latest products.Comment after bibs4bubs sold #115930 to emilyjayne
Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs, your parcel will be in the post today. We hope you enjoy our products. Find and 'LIKE' us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all our latest designs, etc. Merry Christmas, bibs4bubs.Comment after twcc sold #103872 to emilyjayne
Thanks so much for your purchase =)Comment after mushymoo sold #107259 to emilyjayne
Thanks so much for your order, I'm so glad your son likes his rattle snake :) All the best NerissaComment after ellaquaint sold #99211 to emilyjayne
A pleasure to do business with you,Regards