Feedback for eelcreek
eelcreek's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for eelcreek
Comment after riverandhill sold #570071 to eelcreek
Thanks so much!Comment after freehand sold #408095 to eelcreek
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment!Best wishes
Comment after borntobeboho sold #561786 to eelcreek
Thank you for purchasing from us at Born To Be BoHo and supporting our locally handmade NZ Jewellery.We hope the Jewellery items you purchased from us are loved and enjoyed, just as much as we loved and enjoyed making them.
Please feel free to revisit our Felt shop anytime as we are often adding new and exciting BoHo designs
Kindest regards
Kim & Chris
Born To Be BoHo
Comment after mono sold #413738 to eelcreek
Thanks for the prompt payment with efficiency communication.Comment after ourbackyardco sold #412967 to eelcreek
Thank you for your purchase.Tracey Xx