Feedback for ebdolls
ebdolls's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for ebdolls
Comment after oromahoekind bought #559615 from ebdolls
What a beautiful little doll. She made the perfect birthday gift for a wee girl at our centreComment after catcat bought #570641 from ebdolls
Wow! This child’s learn-to-knit kit is incredible.If you are considering buying one, do it! This is a beautiful, lovingly handmade kit, with a hand embroidered project bag, super-cute knitting needles, a HANDMADE hand illustrated instruction booklet, and a magic ball of yarn. The instruction booklet is so cute. It includes all the steps for learning to cast on and knit. (A child learner might benefit from an adult to help; adult learners will be fine.) If you know a beginner knitter, of any age, get them this beautiful starter kit!