Feedback for crumbling
crumbling's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for crumbling
Comment after fullywoolly sold #554986 to crumbling
Thanks for your order!Comment after kumanu sold #551662 to crumbling
Thank you so much for choosing a Kumanu product and supporting the Felt website and Kiwi makers :-)Comment after maitapapacarver sold #543766 to crumbling
Fantastic trader and communicator.Comment after handstampco sold #473761 to crumbling
Thank you for your order! We hope you love it! Please contact us if you have any queries. Kind regards, Hand Stamped CoComment after squash_nz sold #474484 to crumbling
Thank you for your support of squash - enjoy your new dome pursesComment after refined sold #360258 to crumbling
Great customer. Thank you for your purchase from Refined :-)Comment after refined sold #360257 to crumbling
Great customer. Thank you for your purchase from Refined :-)Comment after lulurose sold #351934 to crumbling
Thank you so much for your order. I hope your daughter loves it!Comment after creativeaertz sold #340409 to crumbling
Thanks so much for your order. You have been a real pleasure to deal with. You hat is on its way :-)Comment after stitchgirl sold #330981 to crumbling
Thanks for your fast payment, pickup has been ordered.Thanks for your purchase, much appreciated.
Anna = StitchGirl
Comment after little_olive* sold #339452 to crumbling
Thank you so much :)Comment after nisserandco sold #334507 to crumbling
Wonderful to send this you, many thanks for your purchase.Wishing you a very happy holiday season!
Comment after inmybackyard sold #333400 to crumbling
Thanks again!Comment after clarityglass sold #332425 to crumbling
Easy and seamless transaction carried out via PayPal. Thanks!Comment after inmybackyard sold #332427 to crumbling
Thank you so much!Comment after fat-spatula sold #332424 to crumbling
Thanks for your support once again. Top Stuff.Comment after stitchstudio sold #212862 to crumbling
Thanks for your purchase. Hope they are keeping you cosy?Comment after rarefragment sold #312622 to crumbling
Great customer, thanks for shopping from Rare FragmentComment after rarefragment sold #295033 to crumbling
Great customer, rapid payment appreciated, thanks for shopping from Rare FragmentComment after thenightjar sold #306522 to crumbling
Great customer :) Thank you for your purchase!Comment after thenightjar sold #306523 to crumbling
Thank you for your purchase! Hope you enjoy xComment after ella-louise sold #301074 to crumbling
Thank you for your purchase. LIttle Red Riding Hood cape has been sent to you today. 25 Oct.Comment after projectthree sold #293405 to crumbling
Thanks for your purchase. I hope you love your beads!Comment after projectthree sold #293399 to crumbling
Thanks for your purchase. I hope you enjoy your beads.Comment after baldmoose sold #276219 to crumbling
Perfect customer. Immediate payment. Thanks for your purchase and for choosing BaldMoose!Comment after sylviawatson sold #294848 to crumbling
Thanks for purchasing from Tictciboom Design. You bangle has been couriered.Kind regards
Comment after art33 sold #294849 to crumbling
Thank you for your business. Enjoy your new bracelet. !Trace
Savannah Rose Jewellery
Comment after meliai_designs sold #294236 to crumbling
Thanks for the prompt payment and hassle-free purchase. Hope you like the cuffComment after woodulike sold #291922 to crumbling
A most excellent person to do business with. CheersComment after dollyandromeo sold #241080 to crumbling
Thanks so much for the support and appreciation to DollyandRomeo. Many thanks! Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!Comment after rawkos sold #223017 to crumbling
Thanks for your teatowel order. I hope that they are well enjoyed, LucyComment after supervery sold #278124 to crumbling
Thank you so much for choosing to shop with SuperVeryComment after stitchstudio sold #273160 to crumbling
Thanks for buying NZ handmade. Your mitts are on the way.Please check out our Facebook page...
Comment after ecobubbles sold #268782 to crumbling
Fantastic customer, hope the Ecobubbles Gift is a lovely surpriseComment after feltsoapgood sold #248303 to crumbling
And you can make them, too. Start with some beads first.Comment after feltsoapgood sold #248377 to crumbling
Wool is wonderful - enjoy. Some more inspiration
Comment after feltsoapgood sold #222267 to crumbling
Enjoy your needle-felting. This tutorial might halp
Thank you for your purchase