Feedback for crispy
crispy's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for crispy
Comment after eveshouse sold #573753 to crispy
Prompt payment. Thank you for supporting handmade. Hope they are liked by the owner to be. SeikoComment after pmintsquirt sold #464856 to crispy
Thank you so much for your purchase :)Comment after littlelionsnz sold #387725 to crispy
Thanks for shopping with Little LionsComment after littlelionsnz sold #375132 to crispy
Thanks for shopping with Little LionsComment after fat-spatula sold #383904 to crispy
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business. For new products and information check my listings and follow me on facebook. after littlelionsnz sold #375884 to crispy
Thanks for supporting my small businessComment after paperdaisy sold #331222 to crispy
Thanks for purchasing from Paperdaisy!Comment after paperdaisy sold #324194 to crispy
Super smooth transaction - thanks for buying from Paperdaisy!Comment after fat-spatula sold #335661 to crispy
Thanks for supporting my business once again - have a great Christmas.Comment after crazycrayons sold #335662 to crispy
Super smooth transaction - thanks for buying from me again!!Comment after borntobeboho sold #325367 to crispy
Many thanks for purchasing from us, we appreciated the fast payment you sent, an excellent trade. We hope our Born To Be BoHo products are thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks again A+++Kindest Regards
Born To Be Boho
Kim & Chris
Comment after crushes sold #335663 to crispy
Thanks so much Christine! Your order is on its way to you via nz courier IFG0001452Sarah :)
Comment after ifeelnatty sold #298412 to crispy
Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy.Comment after duvalsmith sold #277930 to crispy
Excellent customer, thank you!Comment after bespokemugs sold #298411 to crispy
Fast payment a good trade, very much appreciated.Comment after crazycrayons sold #298410 to crispy
Super smooth transaction. Thanks for buying from the Maker of Crazy Crayons & Stuff....again!Comment after levoyageur sold #298413 to crispy
Thanks a million for your purchase :)Please find me on Facebook: @GiftsByAmedevoyageur and Instagram: @Amedevoyageur