Feedback for creena
creena's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for creena
Comment after flipstar016 bought #508649 from creena
These are just beautiful. Thank you xxxComment after flipstar016 bought #508648 from creena
Gorgeous. I love it.Comment after flipstar016 bought #508646 from creena
I love my new cloths. Thank you so much xxxComment after sewmama sold #169672 to creena
Excellent customer, speedy payment highly recommend. Thanks for supporting a local NZ business. Hope to see you here again:)Comment after sewmama sold #378258 to creena
Great Felt Customer, enjoy your new ORIGAMI butterfly hair clip. Thank you SEW much!Comment after resilverednz sold #304304 to creena
Many thanks.I hope you are happy with the forks!Excellent buyer.Comment after soleil sold #296996 to creena
Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy the pouch. SoleilComment after soleil sold #298803 to creena
Lovely customer! Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy the pouch. SoleilComment after inspiredsoap sold #271830 to creena
Thank you for a prompt trasaction, it was a pleasure doing business with youComment after crazycrayons sold #271838 to creena
Super smooth transaction - thanks for buying from the Maker of Crazy Crayons & Stuff (again!)Comment after wink sold #200136 to creena
Thanks so much for your order! Let me know if I can help with anything else.Cheers, Josie
Comment after valettaroad sold #201117 to creena
Many thanks for your purchase, enjoy :)Comment after earthlings sold #136261 to creena
Thanks for shopping at Ema's Boutique.Your package was put on the courier this morning. :-)