Feedback for cornfields
cornfields's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for cornfields
Comment after makery sold #472062 to cornfields
Thanks so much!Comment after baabaas sold #472060 to cornfields
Thank you for your support of my business.Looking ahead....happy Christmas!
Comment after makingit sold #472057 to cornfields
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking with the cookie cutters. Thanks. :)Comment after creativeaertz sold #373102 to cornfields
Thanks so much for your custom order and fast payment. The gorgeous hat is on its way today.Comment after savannah-leigh sold #309863 to cornfields
Thanks very much! Enjoy your hair clips.Comment after littlepigeon sold #313997 to cornfields
Thank you so much for shopping with Little Pigeon! Your clips are on the courier today :)Comment after bunnyandlion sold #300521 to cornfields
Thanks so much for purchasing from Bunny & Lion :)Comment after feltsoapgood sold #294728 to cornfields
Thank you for buying felted laundry dryer balls. I have posted them today. Please check my crafts Facebook page for felting ideas and new products :
Comment after twomagpies sold #294463 to cornfields
Hope you love your felt food as much as I loved making it for you!Comment after fairydoor sold #276054 to cornfields
Great customer with a prompt payment and good communication.Thank you so much for your purchase
Fairy Door