Feedback for chriharg4867
chriharg4867's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for chriharg4867
Comment after bigbunny sold #549266 to chriharg4867
Thanks for your purchase and prompt payment - your seed saver envelopes and seedling markers are on their way. Happy gardening from Big Bunny! after jaxandjulz sold #493786 to chriharg4867
Thanks for your order. I hope you enjoy your crown!Comment after jt_designs sold #411949 to chriharg4867
Fast paymentComment after littlepeanut sold #464660 to chriharg4867
Great customer with prompt payment - thanks for supporting NZ made.Comment after jaxandjulz sold #464657 to chriharg4867
Thank you for order.I hope you enjoy your crown!
Comment after jaxandjulz sold #464656 to chriharg4867
Thank you for order.I hope you enjoy your mask!