Feedback for casscour
casscour's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for casscour
Comment after somethinglil sold #274883 to casscour
Fantastic trader, Highly recommended. Thanks for your order xComment after mimiandrufus sold #268143 to casscour
Thanks so much for your order. Hope the teepee cushion arrives safely.Comment after blackwood sold #274880 to casscour
Wonderful customer thanks so much for your support!Enjoy
Comment after littlewhimsy sold #274882 to casscour
Enjoy your necklace xxComment after letsplayshop sold #269257 to casscour
Thank you for a fantastic sale. Two little Villages are on their way, enjoy! Best wishes to the birthday girls.Regards,
Jen & Lisa
Apple of My Eye