Feedback for carrieann
carrieann's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for carrieann
Comment after creativeaertz sold #584528 to carrieann
Thanks so much for your order and for supporting my small NZ handmade business. Your gumbooties are on their way.Comment after creativeaertz sold #556356 to carrieann
Thanks so much for your purchase and for supporting my small NZ handmade business.Comment after gala sold #498433 to carrieann
Thank you for supporting my little NZ-made store :) This is with the courier now so should arrive in a day or two.Comment after gala sold #439015 to carrieann
Thank you for choosing my little NZ-made store! Your order is ready for the courier to collect now xComment after ifeelnatty sold #329922 to carrieann
Thanks for buying NZ made/design and hope you love your purchases.Cheers
Cat and Fiona